August 9, 2012

Today, I found inspiration in the most unlikely of places.

When I was a kid, Lands' End was the place where we got our bathing suits because, back then, I had a long torso and they offered one pieces that would fit. And then I hit thirteen and Lands' End looked like someone that would cater to my grandmother because they also sell petites. "Ugh, as if!" said my thirteen year old, self-righteous mind. Side note - I now need petites, which I'm sure is some form of punishment in the way of an endless alterations bill or limited selections.

I am eating my words today, friends. Just look at these outfits! I'll take them all, please. And since it's pretty much fall temperatures in San Francisco all year long (love), I think they'll be put to good use.

Have you purchased anything from them lately? I would love to hear your advice on quality and fit if you have.


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