August 7, 2012

Confession time.

My date night outfits are, sadly, not this pulled together. Ever. Between working from home, living in San Francisco where it's chilly even in August and the hills limit your footwear options, and dating a guy that's on the casual side I usually don't try very hard. Over the last year, I've also lost quite a bit of weight that I put on from being sickened by gluten before my diagnosis, and well...I don't have tons of options in my closet. I am, after all, trying to lose the last 30 pounds this 29th year of my life.

But the other night, when it came time for Friday night date time with M, I managed to put together something similar to the ensemble above. And while he told me I looked nice I was surprised what it actually did for me. My confidence got a boost just from putting on a dress and some heels. I felt pretty and ready to conquer the world. From that moment, I decided that at least once a week, I'm going to get all dressed up. If for no one else but myself.

Do you have a go-to item in your closet that makes you feel amazing? What do you wear on a date? I need your ideas!



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