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Seventeenth & Irving is a member of several affiliate programs. An affiliate link provides a commission to this blog through clicks or purchases made from my posts. Your support of this program helps support the improvement of this blog through a small revenue stream. These links may appear in banner, image, social links, or contextual form. 

Any products that are gifted in exchange for reviews or advertising through a blog post or banner, I specifically state the product is received "courtesy of" that vendor. I only select companies and products that I would choose to use on my own. You will always receive my honest opinion of said product and I will only post products that I feel fit the readers and style of Seventeenth & Irving.

Finally, the design of this blog is 100% hard work and a labor of love. Please treat it as such. If you wish to share the content or repurpose on your own blog, please link to the exact post you repurposed and call out this blog (ex: Via Seventeenth & Irving). I appreciate your email or comment letting me know you've done so - it helps me to see what's inspired you and what I should create more of!

If you have any further questions or concerns, please use the email icon on the right to contact me.

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